It’s been a while


It’s been forever, a lot has happened Ali has been away at university for over a week now but we’ve seen him 3 times already and done 3 loads of his washing…….. I miss him terribly but am grateful that he’s moved on, progressed and is doing well. I do wonder whether Aysha will ever be ready to move out, university is unlikely to be a part of her life but when you have a child who struggles in almost every part of her life you can’t help but be grateful for everything that the other child is doing. Nothing but nothing should be taken for granted and every parent who has a child who is or has moved out should be grateful that their child is capable of this progression in life

Aysha is nervous these days, I don’t think she’s missing Ali too much yet but what she’s going to do after she leaves school, leaves her nervous. We’ve been scouring college websites and have lists of open days to attend but I know deep inside how frightening it all is to her. I can help her, guide her but I can’t hold her hand forever……. I am learning to slowly but surely let go x

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